
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chicken Scaloppine with Saffron Cream Sauce

Let's talk about my photography skills for a minute.

Obviously, the photos at the top and bottom of this page are not my best work. This is what happens when you're in a huge hurry, and the only camera you own is a simple point and click that your mom bought you for Christmas your freshman year of college. Now, don't let me sound ungrateful. My little Kodak has seen me through many important times and been quite a good camera for the things I've asked it to do. And, of course, I am eternally grateful to my mother for buying it for me at all, and I still remember the excitement I felt when I opened it Christmas morning. But let's be honest friends... it's time to upgrade.

So I went and bought myself one of these.

photo credit to Wikipedia
Since I'm still very much an amateur (read: knows NOTHING about real photography) it's still going to take some time and a whole lot of learning before I start posting photos equivalent to Jessica's, or Jenna's, or Isabelle's. But I'll get there... just another part of my humble little food blog journey. ...and I thank you so much for your patience in seeing me through it.

In the meantime, please forgive me for these less-than-perfect photos. Trust me, they do not come close to doing this recipe justice. The chicken is simple, and the sauce is out of this world. Rich and creamy, yet light and flavorful at the same time. It's sauce so good you'll want to pour the leftovers into a glass jar and horde it to use as gravy over all kinds of tasty things, like mashed potatoes. (And yes, there will be leftovers, so enjoy.) I always smile a little inside when dinner is tasty enough to actually elicit a reaction from Dane... and his loud "yum" gave me so much satisfaction. Make this this week and you'll totally agree.

Chicken Scaloppine with Saffron Cream Sauce
from Giada's Kitchen
yields 4 to 6 servings

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 pound thin chicken cutlets (scaloppine)
3/4 teaspoon salt, plus more for seasoning meat
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus more for seasoning meat
2 shallots, sliced
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1/4 teaspoon saffron threads
1/2 cup heavy cream

1. Warm the olive oil in a large skillet over high heat. Season the chicken cutlets with salt and pepper. Cook the chicken until golden and cooked through, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Transfer the chicken to a serving plate and tent with foil to keep warm.
2. Reduce heat to medium, add the shallots and garlic, and cook until tender, about 2 minutes. Deglaze the pan with the white win, using a wooden spoon to scrape all the brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Cook until the wine is almost evaporated. Add the chicken broth and saffron threads, bring to a simmer, and cook for 10 minutes, or until reduced by half. Add the cream, salt, and pepper to the skillet and stir to combine.
3. Simmer for 1 minute to blend the flavors. Pour the sauce over the chicken, and serve!


  1. This chicken sounds fabulous and I am so jealous about your new camera!

  2. Your camera's beautiful! I find the biggest problem with taking pictures of savory food is that the family is sitting around the table waiting on me. It has little to do with the kind of camera I'm using. :)

    I love the scallopine...but wow, that's a lot of saffron! It must taste wonderful.

  3. Hi! I am delighted to read this post! I think you and I might be in a similar boat as far as wanting to learn how to be better food photographers. But, let me tell you, when I very first opened this post and saw the sandwiches, I told my husband what lovely photos they were! So, great job! I hope to get a new camera soon, too! Shh, don't tell, but I use the camera on my cell phone right now!! Best of luck to you!Have a great week!
